TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0016 00
17. Dress the Lower Lateral Band as follows:
Count gore edges to be sure that 10 are in each group.
a. Dress each gore section of the lower lateral band, working from bottom to top of the left group.
Pay particular attention to dressing the canopy at the lateral band 4.5 feet below the apex vent.
Repeat the procedure for the right side.
b. Raise the top radial tape (number 20) and check for a clear channel.
18. Tying the Apex Scoops. Tie the apex scoops as follows:
a. Locate the top scoop (figure 11, item 1) at the apex of the canopy. Following the reinforcing tape
attached to the bottom of the scoop to the left until the loop at the main seam is located.
b. Locate the next scoop (figure 11, item 1) to the left and follow the reinforcing tape to the right until
the next loop (figure 11, item 2) is located.
Bring the two loops together (both loops should face each other), arranging the folded gores
between the two scoops to lie inside the two loops.
Figure 11. Tying the Apex Scoops.
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