TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0034 00
REPLACE continued
Upper Short Control Line (figure 2, item 44)
1. Remove the upper short control line (figure 2, item 44) from the attaching loops on 2B and 3B.
2. Attach a new upper short control line to the forward assembly by girth hitching the looped end on the
upper short control line (figure 2, item 44) to the attaching loop (2B).
3. Thread the other end of the upper short control line (figure 2, item 44) through the guide ring from
bottom to top, and through the 3B attaching loop and form a girth hitch IAW WP 0017 00.
4. Align the loop marks on the upper long control line and insert the free end (approx 3-1/2 inches) of
the upper long control line back onto itself using a finger trap tool.
5. Using a bartack sewing machine, place a bartack 1/8-inch from the insertion.
6. Inspect to ensure that the upper long control line has been routed correctly.
Extended Gore Limiter Line (figure 2, item 48)
1. Remove the extended gore limiter line (figure 2, item 48) from the left forward attaching loops gores
5 and 6.
2. Girth hitch the new extended gore limiter line (figure 2, item 48) to attaching loop on gore number 5
for the left forward and gore number 24 for the right forward.
3. Route the extended gore limiter line (figure 2, item 48) under the Upper Control Line (Long) (figure
2, item 43).
4. Thread the freerunning end of the extended gore limiter line (figure 2, item 48) through the attaching
loop on gore 6 for the left forward, gore 23 for the right forward and form a girth hitch IAW WP 0017
5. Align the loop marks on the extended gore limiter line and insert the free end (approx 3-1/2 inches) of
the extended gore limiter line back onto itself using a finger trap tool.
6. Using a bartack sewing machine, place a bartack 1/8-inch from the insertion.
Inspect to ensure that the extended gore limiter line has been routed correctly.
Brake Slot Control Line
1. Remove the brake slot control line from the attaching loops.
2. Attach the new brake slot control line to the attaching loop 2C and form a girth hitch.
3. Thread the freerunning end of the brake slot control line through the guide ring from bottom to top and
through the 3C attaching loop and form a girth hitch IAW WP 0017 00.
4. Align the loop marks on the brake slot control line and insert the free end (approx 3-1/2 inches) of the
brake slot control line back onto itself using a finger trap tool.
5. Using a bartack sewing machine, place a bartack 1/8-inch from the insertion.
6. Inspect to ensure that the brake slot control line has been routed correctly.
0034 00-6