TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0071 00
TEST - continued
Do not reseat the curved pins during pull exercise. Doing so may
result in serious injury or death to the parachutist.
3. Reseat the curved pins of the reserve handle. Remove the temporary closing pins holding the
reserve closing loops.
4. Reinsert the reserve handle tuck tabs (top, bottom, two sides) after each pulling exercise. This will
serve to break-in the handle.
Do not stand directly underneath the T-11R, in the event of
accidental activation. Being hit by the ejector spring may cause
severe injury. Stand off to one side of the T-11R when
conducting both the 14-pound and 27-pound pull test.
Conduct a 14-pound Minimum Ripcord Pull Test as Follows:
1. Place the handle cuff over the T-11R ripcord handle so that the grommets are below the handle and
2. While standing at the pack frame with the T-11R positioned for the pull test, carefully attach a 14-
pound weight to the ripcord handle cuff and very slowly remove your hand from under the weight to
allow the weight to be slowly transferred to the ripcord grip. Do not release the weight suddenly or let
it drop since this will invalidate the test. The weight must not completely withdraw the ripcord pins
from the soft loops and the ripcord handle completely from the pack tray.
3. If the 14-pound weight causes complete withdrawal of the ripcord pins and the ripcord handle,
conduct a retest. The retest must be performed 5 times. Conduct a retest by repacking the T-11R
IAW WP 0016 00 and repeat step 1.
4. Upon completion of the retest (5 iterations), if the 14-pound weight does not withdraw the ripcord pins
and ripcord handle from the T-11R each of the 5 times, it passes the 14-pound ripcord pull test.
5. If during any one of the 5-retest iterations the 14-pound weight causes complete withdrawal of the
ripcord pins and the ripcord handle, then remove the T-11R assembly, replacement pack tray or
ripcord handle (which ever is applicable), from service and follow instructions in step 6 below.
6. If the pack tray and ripcord handle are new (part of a T-11R assembly), or a new replacement pack
tray or handle, submit an Standard Form (SF) 368, Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) for the
new items.
Conduct a 27-pound maximum ripcord pull test as follows:
1. Place the handle cuff over the T-11R ripcord handle so that the grommets are below the handle and
2. While standing at the pack frame with the T-11R positioned for the pull test, carefully attach a 27-
pound weight to the ripcord grip and very slowly remove your hands from under the weight to allow
the weight to be very slowly transferred to the ripcord grip. Do not release the weight suddenly or let
it drop since this will invalidate the test.
0071 00-2