MWO 10-1670-293-20-2
(6) Using a flat solid surface, position the tip of the center punch 90 degrees away from (or
perpendicular to) the screw pin slot between the screw pin head and the body.
(7) Strike punch with hammer to cause a dimple and a slight flow of metal that will further retain
b. Secure Original D-ring to the Main Lift Web.
(1) Retrieve one length of type II or type III nylon cord. Route one end of the type II or type III
nylon cord from top to bottom twice around the curved portion of the D-ring. Route the opposite
end behind the main lift web, below the chest strap, and from top to bottom, pass the running end
twice around the curved portion of the D-ring. Pull on both running ends ensuring the routed
portions are pushed as high as possible on curved portion of the D-ring. Pass both running ends
behind the main lift web and below the chest strap. Push the D-ring against the main lift web.
Secure them with a surgeon's knot locking-knot with overhand knots in the running ends. Trim
Chest Strap
Type II or Type
III Nylon Cord