TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
Section I. GENERAL
user is encouraged. Preparation and submission of
1-1. Scope.
reports will be as follows:
These instructions are for use by organizational and
direct support maintenance activities performing
a. Reports by US Army personnel should be
maintenance on parachutes (cargo and personnel) and
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
other airdrop equipment. Information is furnished to
to Publications) and forwarded direct to: US Army Troop
clarify and detail maintenance requirements which
Support and Aviation Materiel Readiness Command,
generally affect all airdrop items. Maintenance proce-
ATTN DRSTS-MPSD, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
dures which are common and usually applicable to two
Louis, MO 63120. A reply will be furnished to you.
or more airdrop equipment items are contained within
b. Reports by US Air Force units should be
this publication. Other information or procedures which
submitted on AFTO Form 22 (Technical Order
are not considered common are contained in individual
Publication Improvement Report) and forwarded to the
airdrop equipment publications as listed in DA Pam 310-
address prescribed in a. above. An information copy of
the prepared AFTO Form 22 shall be furnished to SA-
ALC/MMEDTR, Kelly AFB, TX 78241.
c. Reports by US Navy personnel shall be
contained in individual airdrop
submitted in accordance with instructions contained in
equipment publications will have
publication OPNAVINST 4790.2.
precedence over the data in this
1-3. Destruction to Prevent Enemy Use.
manual should any conflict of the
For instructions applicable to the destruction of airdrop
published contents exist.
items, related parts, material, machines, and tools which
1-2. Reporting of Errors.
are in danger of imminent capture by an enemy, refer to
The reporting of errors, omissions, and recommend-
TM 43-0002-1/TO 13C3-1-10.
ations for improving this publication by the individual
of Air Force maintenance forms by maintenance
1-4. General
personnel will be in accordance with TO 00-25-241.
Maintenance forms, records, and reports that are to be
The accomplishment of US Navy maintenance forms by
used by US Army organizational and direct support
maintenance personnel will be in accordance with
maintenance personnel are prescribed throughout this
NAVAIR 13-1-6.2 and OPNAVINST 4790.2.
publication, and also in TB 750-126 and TB 43-0002-4.
1-5. Army Parachute Log Record
Additional recording and reporting documentation that
may be required for work orders. Modification Work
a. General. The Army Parachute Log Record (DA
Orders (MWOs), Equipment Improvement Reports
Form 10-42 or 3912) is a history-type maintenance
(EIRs), and Quality Deficiency Reports (QDRs) will be
document which accompanies most parachute canopy
accomplished in accordance with TM 38-750. The use
assemblies and some personnel
Change 5