TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
1. Type of repair. As applicable,
enter the term "INITIAL INSPECTION". the type of
repair or the number of the technical bulletin (TB) which
prescribes a one-time inspection.
2. Inspected by. The individual
who performed the initial inspection, inspection after
repair, or one-time inspection, as applicable, will sign
this entry with his last name only.
3. Unit. Enter the designation of
the unit which performed an inspection or the repair.
4. Date.
Enter the date (day,
month, and year 1 the applicable type inspection was
(e) Note page. A page is provided at
the back of a parachute log record to accommodate
recording of additional data pertinent to the
serviceability of a parachute canopy assembly (fig. 16).
Figure 1-7. Inside front cover entries for a
parachute harness log record, typical
1. Serial number. Enter the word
"NONE" for all harnesses except the harness used with
the MK-J5 ejection seat personnel parachute system. In
an MK-J5 harness log record, enter the harness serial
number obtained from the harness vest.
2. Type.
Enter the type of
parachute the harness is used with.
3. Part number. Enter the part
number of the harness.
4. Date of manufacture. Enter the
month and year the harness was manufactured.
5. Manufacturer. Enter the name
of the harness manufacturer.
Figure 1-6. Data entries for a log record note page,
6. Contract number. Delete the
word "CANOPY" in the entry block title and enter
(2) Parachute harness log record.
contract number under which the harness was
(a) Inside front cover.
Using the
information furnished on the identification label of the
7. Station and unit.
Enter the
harness, make the following entries on the inside of the
name of the station and the unit to which the parachute
front cover of the log record (fig. 1-7). Entries may be
harness is currently assigned. Should the harness be
continued on the inside of the back cover, if required.
Should the identification label be missing, the date of
manufacture will be obtained from the harness