TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
However, a T-shaped HALO ripcord grip will not be
(2) A HALO ripcord with a T-shaped grip that
subject to testing. Test a ripcord grip as follows:
has satisfactorily completed the locking pin test will be
(a) Position a back, chest or troop chest
marked with the tape prescribed in (1) above by making
two turns around the center post of the T-shaped grip.
ripcord grip on a fixed wooden block previously cut to a
2-21. Testing a Static Line Snap Assembly.
during the preventive maintenance intervals prescribed
in the applicable parachute maintenance publication.
Procedures for testing are as follows:
Figure 2-10. Performing a ripcord grip test, typical.
(b) Attach and suspend a 40-pound
weight from the corner of the grip nearest the weld.
Care will be taken to insure that the total weight is
suspended without impact. Hands or lifting device, as
applicable, must be fully removed from the weight.
inspect the welded joint for cracks or breaks. If any
Figure 2-11. The troop-type personnel parachute
cracks or breaks are detected in the welded area, the
static line ant snap assembly.
ripcord will be removed from service.
(d) Remove the weight from the ripcord
a. Operate the snap assembly to insure that the
grip and further remove the grip from the wooden block
locking button will depress below the surface of the
or hook, as applicable.
sliding guard, thereby allowing the guard to slide on the
b. Identifying Test Accomplishment.
hook. Also check that the guard slides freely on the
(1) A ripcord which has been tested according
hook and that the locking button snaps back when the
to above and is considered serviceable will be marked
guard is moved to the locked position. The function of
to indicate test accomplishment. The marking will be
the locking button should be observed carefully to insure
made by wrapping two turns of 1/2-inch-wide yellow
that the button retains proper spring tension. A static
pressure-sensitive tape around the center of the grip
line snap assembly which has a defective locking button
tubing at a point near the weld. However, insure the
or a guard which does not slide freely will be removed
tape wrapping does not cover the welding joint.
from service.
Change 3 2-16