TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
ventilation is available. Repeated or
2-24. Cleaning and Drying.
Airdrop equipment will be inspected after each use
prolonged inhalation of the solvent
for dampness, dirt or other foreign material.
vapors can be detrimental to human
Subsequent cleaning and drying of the equipment may
health. In addition, avoid prolonged
be required to prevent a possible malfunction or
or repeated contact of the solvent
fluid with areas of the skin. Tetra-
immersed in water will be processed as outlined in
chloroethylene must not be taken
equipment ill be accomplished as follows:
(a) Cotton item. Spot-clean a cotton
item by rubbing the soiled area with a clean cloth
If, during the cleaning of an
dampened with tetrachloroethylene. Once the foreign
airdrop item there exists a possibility
substance has been removed, rinse the cleaned area by
that a substance to be removed
repeating the rubbing process with clean portion of the
contains acid, an acidity test will be
cloth which has been dampened with the cleaning
performed as prescribed in para-
solvent. Do not wring out the rinsed area if an undue
graph 2-17A. Should the substance
amount of cleaning solvent is applied. Allow the
be acid-free, the item will be evac-
applicable item to dry thoroughly.
uated to a direct support mainte-
(b) Nylon and rayon items. A soiled
nance activity for determination as to
nylon or rayon item, except a personnel parachute
the nature of the substance and item
harness soiled by airsickness, may be spot-cleaned
disposition. If a substance cannot
using the procedures in (a) above. However, the
be identified or if normal repair pro-
tetrachloroethylene may be substituted by a solution
cedures will not eliminate all traces
composed of one-half cup of hand dishwashing
detergent (liquid or powdered dissolved in one gallon of
of chemical damage, the applicable
warm water. A soiled area cleaned with the soap and
item will be condemned.
water solution will be rinsed with fresh, clean water and
a. Cleaning. The practice of cleaning airdrop
allowed to dry thoroughly. Do not attempt to wring out
items should be held to a minimum and performed only
the material which has been cleaned and rinsed.
when it is necessary to eliminate a malfunction potential
When cleaning a personnel para-
of cleaning to be used must be compatible with the type
of material to be cleaned and the nature of the
chute harness soiled by airsickness,
substance to be removed. In addition, the cleaning
insure the quick release assembly is
process should be limited to the soiled area only. The
not immersed in water. Additionally,
cleaning of airdrop equipment will be performed using
insure the water used to wash a
the following procedures. as applicable:
harness is only warm and not hot.
(1) Shaking and brushing.
Most airdrop
(c) Personnel parachute harness. A
equipment assemblies and associated components
personnel parachute harness which has been soiled by
should be cleaned by shaking or gently brushing with a
airsickness will be cleansed by immersing the harness in
dry soft-bristle brush. A dry stiff-bristle brush may be
a soap and warm water solution similar to that
used on airdrop items constructed of canvas, metal, or
prescribed in (b) above. A stiff-bristle brush may be
used to remove stubborn foreign deposits by lightly
brushing the affected area(s) during the soaping
(2) Spot-cleaning. A soiled area on a fabric
process. Rinse the cleaned area(s} in fresh, clean water
airdrop item which cannot be cleaned by shaking or
until the rinse water remains clear, indicating complete
brushing will be spot-cleaned as follows:
removal of soap. Allow the harness to dry thoroughly
without being exposed to direct sunlight or heat which
Due to flammable properties and
exceed the specifics or paragraph b below.
nylon-damaging substances, clean-
(d) Plastic and wood items.
ing solvents other than tetrachloro-
cleaning of a plastic or wood item will be accomplished
ethylene will not be used in the spot-
by using procedures in (a) or (b) above, as required.
cleaning of airdrop equipment.
Imperfections on plastic items may be removed by
Tetrachloroethylene will only be
used in areas where substantial
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