TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
lower lateral band to the outside to place the damaged
V-tab facing up.
b. Using an authorized marking aid of contrasting
color, mark the suspension line which is contained within
the damaged V-tab at the point where the line intersects
the lower edge of the lower lateral band.
c. Remove the affected V-tab from the canopy by
cutting the stitching securing the tab to the lower lateral
band and the suspension line.
d. Using the type of material specified within the
applicable item equipment publication, cut a 5-inch
length of material and wax the ends.
e. Center the material lengthwise under the
applicable suspension line, placing the upper edge of
the material immediately adjacent to the lower edge of
the lower lateral band.
f. Working from opposite directions, pass each
end of the material length over the top of the suspension
line. Draw the ends snug to develop a tight wrap around
the line and to form a V-shaped design on the lower
Figure 3-26. Cord type pocket band replacement
lateral band inside.
g. Secure each end of the replacement V-tab to
the lower lateral band inside with temporary tacking.
3-26. Replacing V-Tabs.
The temporary tacking will be made using the
A parachute canopy V-tab may be constructed of
either textile tape or webbing and, when damaged, will
even with the upper edge of the lower lateral band (A,
be replaced by fabricating as follows:
a. Position the canopy assembly on a repair table
or other repair surface and turn the inside of the