TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
(3) Remove the affected suspension line
from the canopy by cutting the stitching securing the
upper end of the line length to the canopy skirt and
applicable V-tab. Do not remove the V-tab unless
damage has been incurred.
(4) Cut a length of the same type cord used
in original construction, with the cut length measuring 24
inches longer than the distance from the canopy skirt to
the original attaching connector link assembly. Wax
one end of the cord length.
(5) Pass the waxed cord end up through the
V-tab and position the cord end in the original
suspension line upper end location. Secure the cord
end to the canopy skirt and V-tab by stitching a double-
throw zigzag stitch formation according to original
9, using the stitching specifics cited in
the applicable
item equipment publication.
Figure 3-21. Replacement radial line temporary
tacking details, typical.
j. Reposition the vent line end and suspension line
end removed in d and e above and secure each line end
along with the applicable radial line end to the canopy
by restitching according to original construction details
stitching specifics cited in the applicable item equipment
publication. If pushpins have been used as in i above,
insure the pins are removed prior to stitching. As
applicable, remove temporary tacking made in i above.
3-23. Replacing Suspension Lines.
A parachute canopy that does not have continuous
canopy lines will be equipped with individual suspension
lines, each of which is attached to a connector link
assembly. A damaged suspension line that cannot be
repaired will be replaced by fabricating using the
following procedures, as applicable:
a. Replacing a Fibrous Cord Suspension Line with
Core Threads.
(1) Place the canopy assembly in proper layout on
a repair table or other repair surface and apply partial
Figure 3-22. Attachment details for a fibrous cord
(2) Trace the damaged suspension line from the
suspension line with core threads, typical.
canopy skirt to the applicable connector link assembly.
(6) Hold an adjacent suspension line and the
replacement line together tightly at the lower lateral
band and while the lines are under equal tension