TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
e. Pass the running end of the replacement vent
line under the other vent lines and through the bridle
centering loop or bridle loop, as applicable, to the
opposite side of the canopy vent.
f. Position the replacement vent line running end
in the original vent line end location and secure the line
end as prescribed in d above.
3-25. Replacing Pocket Bands.
Parachute canopy pocket bands are constructed of
varying lengths and types of textile tape, webbing, or
cord. When installed on a parachute canopy, a pocket
band will be positioned on the outside of the lower
lateral band with a band end attached on each side of a
suspension line, thereby allowing a free length of
material to pass over the suspension line. A pocket
band which is damaged will be replaced by fabricating
using the following procedures, as applicable.
a. Replacing a Textile Tape or Webbing Pocket
(1) Place the canopy assembly on a repair
table or other repair surface with the damaged pocket
band facing up.
(2) Mark the lower lateral band at each end of
Figure 3-25. Textile tape or webbing type pocket
the damaged pocket band length.
band replacement details.
(3) Remove the affected pocket band from
b. Replacing a Cord Pocket Band.
the canopy by cutting the stitching securing each of the
band ends to the lower lateral band.
(1) Remove a damaged pocket band and
fabricate a replacement item using the procedures in a
(4) Using the material type and length
(1) through (5) above.
specifics prescribed in the applicable item maintenance
publication, cut a length of replacement material and
(2) Secure each end of the replacement
wax the ends.
pocket band to the lower lateral band by stitching a 2
1/4-inch-long row of double-throw zigzag stitching
(5) Position the replacement pocket band
length in the original pocket band location and aline the
material ends with the marks made in (2) above.
stitching specifics prescribed in the applicable item
(6) Secure each end of the replacement
maintenance publication.
pocket band to the lower lateral band by stitching a 2-
inch long single-X-box stitch formation with two double
ends, 1/8 inch in from each edge, according to the
Stitching will be made in
specifics cited in the applicable item equipment