TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
Figure 3-41. Grommets used on airdrop
or cannot be reseated will be replaced with a
a. Repair.
serviceable grommet and washer of the same size and
(1) Filing or buffing. Remove burrs, rough
type from stock and the following procedures, as
spots. rust. or corrosion from an installed grommet by
filing with a metal file or by buffing with a crocus cloth.
(1) Original grommet removal.
(2) Reseating.
Reseat a loose grommet
(a) Using a suitable type tool, lift the
using the applicable procedures and tools in paragraph
edge of the original washer at one point.
b below.
(b) Grip the lifted washer edge with
b. Replacement. A grommet which is damaged
diagonal nippers and roll the washer edge back to