TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
4. Check the seating of the
grommet and if the grommet can be turned by hand,
repeat the procedure in 3 above until the grommet is
firmly seated.
(c) Flat grommet installation by hand
operated press.
1. Install a suitable sized chuck
and die on a hand- or foot-operated press. Secure the
chuck and die in place using the available locking
screws (fig. 3-40) and a suitable sized key (Allen-type
hexagon wrench.
2. Insert the barrel of the
replacement grommet through the accommodating hole
in the material (A, fig. 3-44). Insure the flange of the
replacement grommet is on the same side of the
material as the original grommet.
Grommet barrel inserted in material hole
Washer placed over grommet barrel
Press activated to seat the grommet
Grommet installation completed
Figure 3-44. Flat grommet installation by hand- or
foot-operated press, typical.