TM 10-1670-201-23
T. O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
dressmakers eye (hookeye) has been damaged, repair
3. Position the grommet on the
the area by darning, using the procedures in paragraph
installed die with the barrel facing tip and place the
3-10 and the stitching specifics prescribed in
replacement washer over the grommet barrel (B).
applicable item equipment publication. However, if
4. Depress the press handle or
darning does not provide an adequate repair, construct
foot pedal (C) and spread the grommet barrel until the
a suitable sized reinforcement of the same type material
collar of the barrel is rolled down smoothly on the
as that used in the original dressmakers eye hookeye
location. Secure the reinforcement to the inside of the
5. Check the grommet for a firm
dam aged area rising the patching procedures in
seating. If the grommet can be turned by hand, repeat
the procedure in 4 above until a firm seating of the
applicable item equipment publication.
grommet is achieved.
(3) Position the replacement dressmakers
3-34. Dressmakers Eye (Hookeye.)
eye hookeye in the original eye location and insure the
elevated end of the eye is facing up to permit proper
A metal dressmakers eye (hookeye) is used on
engagement of a pack opening spring band hook upon
various personnel parachute packs as attaching points
completion of installation.
for the hooks of pack opening spring bands. Repair or
(4) Secure the replacement dressmakers eye
replace a dressmakers eye (hookeye) using the
(hookeye to the parachute pack by handtacking using
following procedures:
two turns double, size No. E waxed nylon thread. If the
a. Repair. Retacking is the only repair function
tacking is to be made in an area of pliable material, then
performed on a dressmakers eye (hookeye). Replace
broken or loose tacking by adapting the procedures in
However, if the tacking is to be made in an area
paragraph b below.
containing a stiffener, then hand-tack as shown in part
b. Replacement. Replace a damaged or missing
B. Secure tacking ends with a surgeon's knot and a
dressmakers eye (hookeye) with a serviceable item from
locking knot. Trim tie ends to 1/4 inch.
stock and the following procedures:
(1) If applicable, cut and remove the tacking
A dressmakers eye (hookeye) may be
securing the original dressmakers eye (hookeye) to the
sewn in place using a hookeye
parachute pack.
attaching machine, if available.
(2) If the fabric area supporting the original