TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0004 00
0004 00-8
a. Using a suitable blue or black marking device, enter NEW BOOK at the top of the inside front
cover of the replacement log record.
b. Accomplish the log record inside front cover as prescribed above.
c. The age life of the canopy will be obtained from the date place in service (initial) and other
applicable data on the Jump, Inspection, and Repack Data page of the log record, as detailed
above. Enter IN, if date placed in service is know. If not known, enter UNK.
d. If it can be ascertained by inspection that a previous MWO or TB has been complied with,
applicable entries will be made on the appropriate page of the replacement log record.
e. Attach the replacement log record to the log record/inspection data pocket using the procedures
Upon initial receipt of a new T-10R or MIRPS Assembly, a new T-10R or MIRPS pack tray, or a newly
installed T-10R or MIRPS ripcord grip pocket, the T-10R and MIRPS will be completely packed lAW WP
0012 00 or WP 0013 00. The MIRPS will be subjected to both a 7-pound minimum and 27-pound
maximum ripcord pull test, whereas the T-10R will only be subjected to the 27-pound maximum ripcord
pull test.
To conduct the T-10R ripcord pull tests, the packed T-10R shall be
firmly attached by its two-connector snaps to a suitable rigid
structure (hook or nail attached to a wall or 4x4 post) such that the
pack tray is positioned vertically with the ripcord grip pointing down.
There must be sufficient clearance beneath the vertically suspended
T-10R to suspend a weight from the ripcord grip and allow it to
withdraw the ripcord grip pins from the cones activating the
To conduct the MIRPS ripcord pull tests, the packed MIRPS shall be
firmly attached by its two-connector snaps to a suitable rigid
structure (hook or nail attached to a wall or 4x4 post) such that the
pack tray is positioned horizontally with the ripcord grip pointing
down. There must be sufficient clearance beneath the horizontally
suspended MIRPS to suspend a weight from the ripcord grip and
allow it to withdraw the ripcord grip pins from the soft loops
activating the parachute.
1. Rotate the ripcord grip clockwise and counter clockwise within the pocket about 45 degrees in each
direction as its being slowly withdrawn from the pocket.
Do not rotate the grip completely around (360) within the pocket as
this may damage the ripcord pocket.