TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0004 00
0004 00-9
2. Reinsert the grip in the pocket and repeat the procedure in paragraph a., above four more times.
This will serve to break-in a tight pocket.
Do not stand directly in front of the MIRPS, in the event of
accidental activation, being hit by the ejector spring and weight may
cause sever injury. Stand off to one side of the MIRPS when
conducting both the 7-pound and 27-pound pull test.
Conduct a 7-pound Minimum Ripcord Pull Test as Follows:
1. While standing to the left or right side of the MIRPS, carefully attach a 7-pound weight to the ripcord
grip and very slowly remove your hand from under the weight to allow the weight to be slowly
transferred to the ripcord grip. Do not release the weight suddenly or let it drop since this will
invalidate the test. The weight must be evenly distributed around or centered on the ripcord grip to
prevent the ripcord grip from tilting. The weight must not completely withdraw the ripcord pins from
the soft loops or the ripcord grip completely from the pocket.
2. If the 7-pound weight causes complete withdrawal of the ripcord pins or the ripcord grip, then remove
the pack tray and ripcord grip from service.
3. If the pack tray and ripcord grip are new (part of a MIRPS assembly), or a new replacement pack tray,
submit a standard Form (SF) 368, Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) for the new items.
4. If the pack tray is used and a new MIRPS ripcord grip pocket was applied, verify the application
procedures in WP 0028 00. If applied correctly, submit a PQDR for the new ripcord grip pocket and
ripcord grip.
Conduct a 27-pound maximum ripcord pull test as follows:
1. Following successful completion of the Minimum Ripcord Pull Test (above), while standing to the left
or right side of the T-10R or MIRPS, carefully attach a 27-pound weight to the ripcord grip and very
slowly remove your hands from under the weight to allow the weight to be very slowly transferred to
the ripcord grip. Do not release the weight suddenly or let it drop since this will invalidate the test.
2. The weight must be evenly distributed around or centered on the ripcord grip to prevent the grip from
3. The 27-pound weight must withdraw the ripcord pins from either the pack release cones or the soft
loops and the ripcord grip from the pocket.
4. If the 27-pound weight does not withdraw the ripcord grip and pins, then remove the weight and re-
inspect the ripcord pins, pack releasing cones, and the ripcord pocket to ensure there are no bent
pins and ensure proper alignment of the pinholes in the pack releasing cones. Bent pins or
misaligned holes can significantly increase the ripcord withdrawal force.
5. If the ripcord pins, cone holes and pocket are serviceable, carefully remove the ripcord pins and at
the same time, insert temporary pins to keep the pack tray closed. Leave the ripcord grip in the