ARMY TM 10-1670-276-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-29-2
(f) Tape each of the 4-inch-long rolled edge areas with five spiral turns of 1-inch-wide, type I pressure-sensitive
tape (figure 2-59).
(g) Invert the webbing length with the rolled edges facing down. Using a suitable marking aid, mark the webbing
at points 31 inches from each end.
(h) Cut a 9 1/2-inch length of 1 3/4-inch-wide, type VIII cotton webbing for use as a buffer and wax the ends.
(i) Place the webbing length between the two marks made in (g), above, and secure the webbing to the riser
strap by stitching a 9 1/2-inch-long row of stitching, 1/8-inch In from each webbing side edge, using the
details In figure 2-62. Stitching will be 5 to 8 stitches per inch using size 3 nylon thread and a heavy duty
sewing machine.
(I) Form the riser strap suspension line attaching loops by passing each end of the riser strap through the end
loops of the original suspension line groups according to original attachment details (figure 2-57) and center
each of the strap taped rolled edges in the applicable end loops. Then fold the strap ends as shown in figure
2-62, allowing a 1/2-inch overlap on one end.
(k) Beginning at a point 2 inches below the tops of the formed strap suspension line attaching loops, secure the
riser strap piles together by stitching with a heavy-duty sewing machine, using size 3 nylon thread, 5 to 8
stitches per inch, following the details In figure 2-62. Insure the parachute inspection data pocket (log record
pocket) is formed between the strap piles by omitting 3 1/2 inches of stitching down along the strap outer
edge, beginning at a point 11 inches above the lower end of the strap clevis attaching loop.
(I) Pass the strap running end down between the spreader webbing piles to a point 2 inches below the strap top.
Secure the spreader webbing plies to the strap by stitching with a heavy-duty sewing machine, using size 3
nylon thread, 5 to 8 stitches per inch, following the details in figure 2-62. Remove the temporary tie made on
the lower end loops of the suspension line group.
(m) Stencil the parachute inspection data pocket (log record pocket) identification markings on the riser straps
according to original stenciling details, using the procedures in paragraph 2-19. Reinstall the parachute
inspection data record (log record), if serviceable, in the strap record pocket in accordance with paragraph 2-