ARMY TM 10-1670-276-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-29-2
2-31. Riser (cont).
b. Replacement. Replace an unserviceable individual riser strap, a spreader, or the entire riser assembly by
fabricating as follows (refer to figure 2-61):
Prior to disconnecting a riser strap from the suspension lines, temporarily secure the
applicable suspension line groups to prevent disarrangement by passing a suitable
length of 1/4 inch type I cotton webbing through the loops on the lower end of the
suspension lines and tying the webbing ends together.
(1) Left riser strap.
(a) Disconnect the riser strap from the suspension lines by cutting the two suspension line attaching loops at the
strap top Insure the suspension lines are not damaged during the cutting process. Also insure the two groups of
suspension lines are separated
(b) Cut and remove the stitching which secures the spreader webbing around the riser strap and remove the strap
from between the spreader webbing plies. Also, remove the parachute inspection data record (log record) from
the record pocket on the riser strap and retain the record for further use, if serviceable.
(c) Cut a 71 1/2-inch length of 1 23/32-inch-wide, type VIII nylon webbing and sear the ends.
(d) Using a suitable marking aid, mark the webbing length at points 6 inches from one end and 5 1/2 inches from the
opposite end.
(e) On each side of the 6- and 5 1/2-inch marks, roll 2 inches of the webbing edges in to the center of the webbing
width (figure 2-61). Secure each rolled edge by stitching a 4-inch-long row of stitching 1/8 inch from edges. Also
make a row of stitching laterally across the webbing width at each end of the rolled edges. Stitching will be 5 to 8
stitches per inch using size 3 nylon thread and a heavy-duty sewing machine.
Figure 2-61. Riser Suspension Line Attaching Loops Construction Details.