ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
(b) Secure two lengths of webbing to each stow loop on the suspension line stowage panel by
making a girth hitch in each webbing length. Ensure the ends of each webbing length are
aligned and positioned towards the respective outer edges of the bag.
(c) To prevent nylon-to-nylon bums on the suspension lines and to the canopy during parachute
deployment, the suspension lines shall be wrapped as follows:
1 Extend the suspension lines along the top center of the deployment bag toward the bridle end
of the bag.
2 Using an 8-1/2 inch wide by 24 inch long piece of-kraft paper, wrap the suspension lines
extended along the top center of the development bag. Secure each end of the suspension
line wrap with ticket No. 3 cotton thread. Make each be with a surgeon's knot and locking
knot. Trim tie ends to 2 inches (figure 2-95.4).
Figure 2-95.4. First and Second Suspension Line Stowed, G-12E
Change 4