ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
Figure 2-117. Securing Radial Line and Suspension Line to Canopy.
(3) Replacing a vent line. When a vent line portion of a canopy line requires more than one splice, the
vent line will be replaced by fabricating as follows:
(a) Lay the canopy vent out on a suitable work surface.
(b) Remove the affected vent line from the canopy vent by cutting the line even with the upper
edge of the upper lateral band at two points. Secure the loose upper end of each radial line
with temporary tacking or pushpins.
(c) Remove the upper radial line reinforcement tape from each of the two applicable radial lines
by cutting the stitching securing the tapes to the canopy.
(d) Cut a length of type IV coreless nylon cord 12 inches longer than the length of the removed
original vent line and wax the cord ends.
(e) Using a suitable marking aid, mark the cord length at a point 6 inches from each end.
(f) Place one end of the cord length on the outside of one applicable radial seam, adjacent to an
original radial line. Aline the respective 6-inch mark made in (e), above, with the upper edge
of the upper lateral band. Secure the cord end to the radial seam with temporary tacking or