ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
2-26. Canopy Line (cont).
(w) Sew line and free end together in accordance with figure 2-114. Cut off excess end of line
close to stitching.
(x) Compare knots with adjacent knots, and trace line from link assembly to canopy skirt for
correctness of attachment and position.
(y) Replace end of pocket band removed in (k), above, according to original construction details.
(2) Replacing radial line. A radial line portion of a canopy line that is damaged within a radial seam will
be replaced by splicing one end of the replacement line to the original vent line. The replacement
radial line running end will then be routed down through the original radial seam channel and spliced
on to the upper end of the original suspension line. Fabricate the replacement line in accordance
with the following:
(a) Place the canopy in proper layout on a suitable work surface.
(b) Remove the upper, intermediate, and lower radial seam reinforcement tapes from the
applicable radial line radial seam by cuffing the stitching securing the tape lengths to the
canopy. Also cut the stitching securing the V-tab and suspension line together.
(c) Using a suitable marking aid, mark the damaged radial line at the lower edge of the lower
lateral band.
(d) Remove and temporarily secure one end of the applicable pocket band.
(e) Working below the canopy skirt, pull 10 inches of the original radial line from the radial seam
and cut the line length at a point 6 inches above the- mark made in (c), above.
(f) Cut a 35-foot length of type IV coreless nylon cord and wax one end.
(g) Insert the waxed end of the cord into the-sheath cover of the original radial line and secure
the two line ends together with whip stitching (see figure, 2-115).
(h) Working at the canopy vent and using-a suitable marking aid, mark the original radial line at
the upper edge of the upper lateral band.
(i) Pull 10 inches of the damaged radial line from the upper end of the radial seam and cut the
line length at a point 6 inches below the mark made in (h), above.
(j) Pull the original radial line up through the radial seam until the attached replacement line
length extends 2 inches beyond the upper edge of the upper lateral band.
(k) Cut the replacement radial line length even with the upper edge of the upper lateral band.
Temporarily secure the line end to the upper lateral band with tacking or pushpins.
(l) Cut a 6 inch length of 9/16-inch-wide, type I nylon webbing and wax each end by 1/4 inch.