ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
2-52. 68-Inch Pilot Parachute (cont).
10 Position the tie running end against the suspension line length and beginning at a point 2
inches above the formed knots, secure the tie running end to the suspension line by stitching
a 3/16-inch wide by 2-inch long row of double-throw zig-zag stitching toward the secured
knots. Finish the stitch row as close as possible to the knots. Stitching will be made with a
light-duty sewing machine using size E nylon thread, 7 to 11 stitches per inch. Trim the
remaining cord loose end to a point immediately adjacent to the stitch row and lightly sear
the exposed cord end.
(e) Replacing a type II coreless nylon cord suspension line. Replace an unserviceable type II
coreless nylon cord suspension line by fabricating using the following procedures:
1 Using the procedures in paragraphs (d) 1 through a, above, type If coreless nylon cord, and a
light-duty sewing machine using size E nylon thread, 7 to 11 stitches per inch, attach a
replacement suspension line to the canopy skirt and prepare to attach the opposite line end to
the original connector link assembly.
2 At a point 9 1/8 inches below the mark previously made on the cord running end, cut and
remove any excess cord length. Taper-cut the cord end by 1/2 inch.
3 Using a suitable marking aid, mark the cord length at point 7 1/8, 9 1/8, and 16 1/4 inches from
the cord tapered end.
4 Aline the first mark on the cord length with the inside edge of the connector link bar at the
location of the original suspension line and pass the tapered running end around the connector
link bar twice (figure 2-148).
The line attachment to the connector link in figure 2-148 is shown loose for clarity
only. The loop splice will be tight against the connector link bar before stitching.
5 Insert a suitable splicing aid into the cord casing at the 16 1/4-inch mark and work the splicing
aid through the cord casing to the outside at the 9 1/8-inch mark.
6 Attach the cord tapered end to the splicing aid and pull the splicing aid back through the cord
casing until the 7 1/8- and 8 1/8-inch marks are alined.
7 Hold the alined marks together and continue pulling the splicing aid back through the cord
casing to the outside at the 16 1/4-inch mark, allowing only the cord tapered end to protrude
from the cord casing.
8 Remove the cord tapered end from the splicing aid. While holding the alined marks together,
stretch the cord length to permit the tapered end to recede into the cord casing.