ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
Figure 2-149. Bridle Bag Edge Binding Splicing Details.
(2) Bag panel
(a) Darning. Darn a hole or tear which does not exceed 3/4 inch in length or diameter using the
procedures in paragraph 2-19c, using a darning sewing machine and size E nylon thread. A
bag panel may be darned a maximum of three times.
(b) Restencil As required, restencil identification marks using procedures in paragraph 2-21.
(3) Riser clevis.
(a) Repair. Repair a static line riser clevis using the following procedures:
1 Replacing a clevis pin retaining cord.
a Cut and remove original clevis pin retaining cord from riser body, clevis pin and safety pin
(figure 2-150).
b Cut a 16-inch length of type I nylon cord and sear ends.
c Pass one half of cord length around riser clevis body, join ends and make a square knot
snug against clevis body (figure 2-150).
d Pass one tie running end through the eye of the clevis pin and secure the tie end snug
with a square knot, leaving a 3/8-inch long running end.