ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
2-53. Static Line (cont).
e Make an overhand knot in the remaining running end at a point within 3/16-inch of the
square knot.
f Secure opposite cord running end to the eye of safety pin using procedures in (d) and (e),
Figure 2-150. Replacing Clevis Pin Retaining Cord.
2 Replacing a clevis safety pin.
a Remove original safety pin from clevis assembly by untying overhand knot and square
knot which secure pin to clevis.
b Cut a 5-inch length of 0.080-inch diameter CRS wire.
c Using cut wire length, form a 3 1/8-inch long riser clevis safety pin (figure 2-151).
d Reinstall safety pin in clevis pin.
e Pass the tie running end through eye of safety pin. Make an overhand knot in running
end (figure 2-1 50).
f Secure tie end against safety pin with a square knot, leaving a 3/8-inch running end.
(b) Replacement. Replace an unserviceable or missing riser clevis with a serviceable item from