ARMY TM 10-1670-282-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-30-2
Riser Clevis (cont).
Pass one tie running end through the eye of clevis pin and secure the tie end snug with a square knot,
leaving a 3/8-inch long running end.
Make an overhand knot in the remaining running end at a point within 3/16 inch of the square knot.
Secure opposite cord running end to the eye of safety pin using procedures in (d) and (e) above.
Replacing a clevis safety pin.
Remove original safety pin from clevis assembly by untying overhand knot and square knot which secure
pin to clevis.
Cut a 5-inch length of 0.080-inch diameter CRS wire.
Using cut wire length, form a 3 1/8-inch long riser clevis safety pin (figure 2-59).
Figure 2-59. Forming Riser Clevis Safety Pin.
Reinstall safety pin in clevis pin.
Pass tie running end through eye of safety pin. Make an overhand knot in running end.
Secure tie end against safety pin with a square knot, leaving a 3/8-inch running end.
Replacement. Replace an unserviceable or missing riser clevis with a serviceable item from stock.