TM 10-1670-299-20&P
TO 14D1-2-470-2
NAVAIR 13-1-41
(2) Waxing. The fraying or unraveling of cotton or nylon tape, webbing, and cord length can be prevented by
dipping approximately 1/2-inch of the raw fabric end into a thoroughly melted mixture of half bees wax and half paraffin.
The wax temperature must be high enough to insure that the wax completely penetrates the material rather than just
coating the exterior.
e. Re-stenciling, and re-painting. Original stenciled data or markings that become faded, illegible, or obliterated
as a result of applying repairs will be re-stenciled in the same manner, at or as near as possible to the original location. A
ballpoint pen or felt tip marker that contains parachute marking ink and is labeled "FOR PARACHUTE MARKING" may
be used when stenciling is not possible. Painted markings on airdrop equipment that are chipped or worn will be
repainted with the same color enamel paint. Metal and wood items may be repainted with olive drab paint as required.
f. Repairs to Felt Lining. If felt lining is not damaged, darn or stitch as specified through lining. If felt lining is
damaged, plug the felt material as described in the repair procedure for the applicable end item.
g. Replacing Snap Easter Assemblies. A snap fastener assembly is a fourpiece metal fitting used to secure flaps
and tabs on parachute packs and harnesses. Two of the metal parts, the socket and clinch plate, or the button (cap) and
socket, are installed on opposite sides of a flap or tab. The remaining two metal parts, the stud and the washer or stud
and post, as applicable, are installed in a corresponding position on the main panel or body. The flap or tab is closed by
snapping the mating parts together. The two types of snap fastener assemblies used on airdrop equipment are the pull-
the-dot, and the durable as shown below. Repair or replace a defective snap fastener assembly using the following
procedures, as appropriate