TM 10-1670-299-20&P
TO 14D1-2-470-2
NAVAIR 13-1-41
(1) Repair. The only repair that may be performed on a snap fastener assembly is reseating of the fastener
which will be accomplished using the applicable procedures and tools prescribed in paragraph (b) below.
(2) Replacement. A snap fastener assembly which is defective or cannot be reseated will be replaced with a
serviceable item from, stock. However, if only one part of a fastener is defective, such as the socket or stud, just that
particular portion of the fastener assembly will necessitate replacement. Remove and replace a damaged snap fastener
a follows:
(a) Original snap fastener removal.
1 Cut the crimped edge of the applicable snap fastener assembly part at three or four points with
diagonal nippers.
2 Using a suitable type tool, pry back the fastener crimped edges and remove the applicable
defective fastener parts.
(b) Repair and preparation of the original snap fastener area.
1 If the fabric area around the original snap fastener has been damaged, repair the area by
darning, using the procedures in a. above and the stitching specifics prescribed in b. and Table 2-3. However, if
darning does not provide and adequate repair, construct a suitable sized reinforcement to the inside of the damaged area
using the patching procedures in a. above and the stitching specifies cited in b. above and Table 2-3.
2 After repair of the fabric in the original snap fastener area has been completed, further
preparation of the repaired area may be required according to the following criteria.
3 When the replacement action involves a socket and clinch plate of a lift-the-dot snap fastener
assembly, cut an appropriate sized hole in the repaired material to accommodate the size of the replacement fastener
clinch plate and socket. Cutting the material will be accomplished using a rawhide mallet or other non-steel impact
device, lead cutter block, and a lift-the-dot fastener cutter.
4 Normally, the replacement of a lift-the-dot fastener assembly stud and washer, a pull-the-dot
snap fastener assembly, or a durable snap fastener assembly does not require cutting of a fabric area prior to component
installation. However, if a situation occurs which necessitates fabric cutting to accommodate any of the cited assemblies,
the cutting process will be accomplished using a mallet and a lead cutter block as described in step A, above and an
appropriate sized double or single bow cutter.