2-6. Operation Procedures - Continued
Jumpmaster Duties. The following is a guide to jumpmaster duties for
Duties in the unit area and departure airfield.
Mission Planning and Release Point Calculation. The release
point (RP) may be calculated to an approximate position by
using the standard Distance - Constant x Altitude x Velocity (D-
KAV) formula. Always use the ARABS High Altitude Release
Point (HARP) when in the accompanying mode. Refer to FM
31-19, Military Free Fall Parachuting, for explanation of the D-
KAV formula. K constants for ARABS are contained in table 2-
Table 2-3. ARABS K Constants
Total Payload Weight:
(excluding ARABS)
200 - 250 lbs
251 - 300 lbs
301 - 350 lbs
351 - 400 lbs
401 - 450 lbs
451 - 500 lbs
K = 75
K = 76
K = 77
K = 78
K = 79
K = 80