TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0017 00
REPAIR - continued
Section A-A
Figure 5. Sewn Patch.
Apply a sewn patch as follows:
Use applicable details in the STITCHING AND RESTITCHING paragraph and the figure
(1) Estimate the rectangular size of the damaged area.
(2) Using the same type of material as in the original construction, mark and cut a patch that is at
least 1-1/2 inches larger in all four directions, than the damage.
(3) Working from the inside of the parachute, align the patch with the fabric weave and over the
damaged area.
(4) Choose one side of the patch and fold that edge under 1/2-inch.
(5) Start sewing that side approximately 1-1/2 inches from the adjoining side and 1/8 inch in from
the edge.
(6) Continue sewing to just short of 1-1/2 inches from the next side. Fold the next side under 1/2-
inch and sew to the corner. Repeat until all four sides have been sewn down. Be sure to
overlap the stitching start by at least 1-inch.
0017 00-9