TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0017 00
REPAIR - continued
(7) Working from the outside of the parachute using scissors, cut the damaged area out forming a
rectangle that is approximately 1-inch from the initial patch stitch line. Be careful not to cut the
(8) Cut the corners of the canopy cloth from the inside towards the patch corner stopping
approximately 1/2-inch from the sides allowing for a 1/2-inch fold under of the canopy cloth to
the patch stitch line.
(9) Choose one side and fold that edge under (approximately 1/2-inch) forming a straight seam
from inside corner to inside corner. Note that the width of the patch seam should be
consistent but can be as narrow as 3/8-inch and as wide as 1-inch.
(10)Sew the side from inside corner to inside corner 1/8-inch from the edge. Fold the next side
under while maintaining the patch seam width. Repeat until all four sides have been sewn
down. Be sure to overlap the stitching start by at least 1-inch.
b. The parachute mending cloth patch. A second method of applying a basic patch is by use of 36-
inch wide adhesive, nylon, parachute mending cloth. Patch limitations as outlined in step 1. shall
be adhered to. Apply a parachute mending cloth patch as follows:
Age life for the nylon parachute mending cloth, prior to application, is three years from the
date of the adhesive coating, which is marked on each roll of mending cloth. Use no more
than two mending cloth patches on a canopy section.
Figure 6. Parachute Mending Cloth Patch.
0017 00-10