TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0017 00
REPAIR - continued
e. Using the same type of material as in the original construction, mark and cut a patch that is the
same shape as the damaged area and approximately 1-1/2 inches larger in all directions except in
the direction of the open seam(s). Cut the open seam edge(s) of the patch to match the open
seam edge of the canopy.
Working from the inside of the parachute, align the patch with the fabric weave and over the
damaged area.
g. Start adjacent to an open seam edge of the canopy, folding that patch edge under 1/2-inch.
h. Start sewing 1/8-inch in along the patch edge.
Continue sewing to just short of 1-1/2 inches from the next side. Fold the next side under 1/2-inch
and sew to the corner. Repeat until all four sides have been sewn down. Be sure to overlap the
stitching start by at least 1-inch.
Working from the outside of the parachute using scissors, cut the damaged area out forming a
rectangle that is approximately 1-inch from the initial patch stitch line. Be careful not to cut the
patch. The open seam edges of both the patch and the canopy should be flush with one another.
Cut the corners of the canopy cloth from the inside towards the patch corner stopping
approximately 1/2-inch from the sides allowing for a 1/2-inch fold under of the canopy cloth to the
patch stitch line. There is no fold under on open seams.
Start adjacent to an open seam and fold that edge under (approximately 1/2-inch) forming a
straight seam from the open seam to an inside corner. Note that the width of the patch seam
should be consistent but can be as narrow as 3/8-inch and as wide as 1-inch.
m. Sew the first side from the open seam to the first inside corner, keeping the stitching 1/8-inch from
the edge. Fold the next side under while maintaining the patch seam width. Repeat until all
except the open seams have been sewn down. The open seam ends of the patch do not require
The cloth portion of the patch is finished. The damaged area has been removed leaving
reassembly to complete the repair.
0017 00-12