TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
transferred permanently to another station and / or unit.
each time the harness is inspected during packing of the
the original entry will be lined out and the name of the
associated parachute.
receiving station and / or unit will be entered.
6. Packer's name. This column is
(b) Jump. inspection, and repack data
not applicable to an individual parachute harness and
page. When a parachute that is associated with a
will be left blank.
harness which requires a log record is repacked or
7. Inspector's
routinely inspected.
the harness also will be
individual who performed the inspection will sign this
administered an inspection. For recording purposes, the
entry with his last name only.
harness inspection will be treated in the same manner
8. Unit. Enter the unit designation
as a repack or routine inspection of a parachute. As a
to which the inspector is assigned.
(c) Modification work order compliance
page of the harness (fig. 1-8) will be completed as
record page.
To complete entries on the
RECORD" page which are applicable to modification
work performed on an applicable type parachute
harness, refer to paragraph c (1)(c) above.
(d) Organizational, field, and depot
repair and inspection data page. The accomplishment
REPAIR AND INSPECTION DATA" page as applies to
the log record of an applicable type parachute harness
will be as prescribed in paragraph c (1) (d) above.
(e) Note page. Additional data which
1. Entry for harness inspection upon initial
may be pertinent to the serviceability of an applicable
pack of the parachute.
type parachute harness will be recorded on the "NOTE"
2. Routine inspection entry.
page located at the back of a log record.
3. Second routine inspection entry.
d. Log Record Replacement.
A parachute or
4. Third routine inspection entry.
harness log record, which is completely filled out, lost,
illegible, or in an otherwise unserviceable condition, will
5. Entry for harness inspection upon 120-day
be replaced with a serviceable log record. Accomplish
(200-day for MK-J5 ejection seat harness)
the log record according to the following procedures, as
parachute repack.
Figure 1-8. Entries for harness log record jump,
(1) Replacing a filled out or unserviceable log
inspection, and repack data page, typical
1. Date.
Enter the date (day,
(a) Using a suitable blue or black
month, and year) of each inspection action applied to
marking device, enter "NEW BOOK" on the outside
the parachute harness.
These inspections are
front cover of the replacement log record.
performed upon initial pack of the associated parachute
(1, fig. 1-8) on a 30-day routine basis between the
(b) Transcribe the information from the
parachute repack cycle (2, 3, and 4, fig. 1-8) and upon
inside front cover of the original log record to the inside
the 120-day (200 day for MK-J5 ejection seat) repack of
front cover of the replacement log record. If the original
data is illegible or missing, accomplish the page entries
as prescribed in paragraphs c (1) (a) or c (2) (a) above.
2. Bag number. This column is
not applicable to an individual parachute harness and
(c) In the replacement log record,
will be left blank.
transcribe the initial and last entry made on the "JUMP,
3. Routine inspection.
Enter a
original log record.
checkmark when the harness is administered a routine
(d) Transcribe all data from the
4. Jumped or dropped. No entry
remaining pages of the original log record to the
5. Repack. For initial inspection,
enter "in.", thereafter enter a checkmark in the column
Change 5