TM 10-1670-293-23&P
0003 00
0003 00-9/(10 Blank)
7. Replacing a lost log record.
Any time a log record is discovered missing from a parachute, a
replacement log record will be initiated during repack or
inspection, as applicable.
a. Using a suitable blue or black marking device, enter NEW BOOK at the top of the inside front
cover of the replacement log record.
b. Accomplish the log record inside front cover as prescribed above.
c. The age life of the canopy will be obtained from the date placed in service (initial) and other
applicable data on the Jump, Inspection, and Repack Data page of the log record, as detailed
above. Enter IN, if date placed in service is known. If not known, enter UNK.
d. If it can be ascertained by inspection that a previous MWO or TB has been complied with,
applicable entries will be made on the appropriate page of the replacement log record.
e. Attach the replacement log record to the log record/inspection data pocket using the
procedures above.
Upon initial receipt of used parachute, proceed as follows:
1. Follow procedures given in the General Procedures for Air Delivery Equipment paragraph, above,
and check each component for excessive wear and tear.
2. If defects or damages are discovered, process the parachute for maintenance at the maintenance
level assigned by the MAC, WP 0039 00.
When a parachute is received at the maintenance activity, following its use by the parachutist during air
delivery, it must be given a shakeout and aired (WP 0007 00), and if necessary, cleaned (WP 0008 00)
before it can be returned to service. If a parachute is issued but is not used, it does not need to be
given a shakeout; however, it must be given a routine inspection by a qualified parachute rigger.