TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
the damaged side of the radial seam facing up.
tape, radial seam, or diagonal seam, the piece of coated
cloth must be cut to extend 1 inch beyond the radial
(2) As required, cut the applicable stitching to
tape, radial seam, or diagonal seam, as applicable.
remove or lay aside items which may interfere with the
Should the damaged area be closer than I inch to the
patching process.
lower lateral band an edge reinforcement, the coated
(3) Smooth the canopy material surrounding
cloth must be cut to allow the patch to lap around the
the damaged area and secure the undamaged portion of
applicable reinforcement. However, if the damaged
the seam to the table with pushpins. Do not pin the
area extends to a point within 1 inch of the upper lateral
damaged area of the seam.
band, only a sewn patch as outlined in paragraph (1)
(4) Using the same type material as in
above will be permitted.
original canopy construction, bias-cut a rectangular
(c) Place the coated cloth patch over
patch 3 1/2 inches wider and 4 inches longer than the
the damaged area with the adhesive side facing down.
damaged area. If one piece of material is not long
If the damaged area has no material missing, the patch
enough to achieve the cited size, join additional pieces
will be applied to the inside of the canopy only. Should
of bias-cut material with 1/2-inch-wide lapped seams.
the damaged area be within 1 inch of the lower lateral
band or an edge reinforcement, the patch will be lapped
Patch material for a damaged area
around the applicable reinforcement and applied to both
that does not exceed 1 inch may be
sides of the canopy. Whenever the damaged area has
cut with the warp and filling.
a space between the edges of the material which
(5) Fold the patch material lengthwise and
indicates that material is missing, the patch will be
aline the raw edges.
applied to both the in side and the outside of the
(6) Center and secure radial seam patch
material over the damaged area with push pins. Fold
(d) Using a household-type electric iron
under 1/2 inch on each side of the new patch material
with the heat regulated for cotton material, apply heat
and secure each side with pins.
and pressure simultaneously to the patch material for at
(7) Fold under 1 inch at each end of the new
least 30 seconds. Insure that all of the patch material is
patch material and secure with pins. Baste both sides of
subjected to heat and pressure, and that all edges of
the new patch to the canopy using the procedures in
the-patch have adhered to the canopy material. Also
insure that the temperature of the iron remains constant
during the patch application effort and that no other part
(8) Deleted.
of the canopy is underneath the area being patched.
(9) Remove the pins securing the canopy to
(e) As required, restencil informational
the repair table. Secure the patch to the radial seam by
data or gore numbers according to procedures in
stitching specifics outlined in the applicable item
equipment publication. If the radial seam is on a
b. Patching a Radial Seam. There is no limit to the
continuous-line canopy, the patch will be secured with
length of a miscellaneous patch made on a canopy
four rows of stitching (A, fig. 3-9). When the radial
radial seam. In addition, a radial seam may be patched
seam is on a noncontinuous-line canopy, the patch will
on both the inside and the outside of a canopy, as
be secured with two rows of stitching (B).
required. Patch a damaged radial seam as follows:
(1) Place the canopy on a repair table with
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