TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
3-15. General.
(3) Center the cord length alongside of the
Splicing is a procedure used to repair lengths of
damaged area.
cord, tape, or webbing on airdrop items. For the sake of
(4) Beginning at a point 1/2 inch in from one
clarity, the term "splicing" as used in air-drop equipment
end of the splice material, secure the splice material to
publications refers to procedures such as drawing a cord
the original line by stitching a 3/16 inch wide row of
length end into a cord length body, laying a cord length
double throw zig-zag stitching along the splice to a point
alongside another cord length, or the placing of a length
1/2 inch in from the opposite end of the splice material.
of tape or webbing lengthwise over another length of
Trim the ends of the splice material as close as possible
tape or webbing.
In most instances, a splicing
procedure is completed by securing the cord, tape, or
using the stitching specifics in the applicable item
webbing, as applicable, with stitching.
equipment publication and the procedures in paragraph
3-16. Splicing Vent Lines and Suspension Lines.
(5) As applicable, reinstall the skirt hesitator
The splicing of vent lines and suspension lines is
tab using the procedures and specifics in the applicable
permitted on cargo parachute canopies only. However,
item equipment publication and the procedures in
the splicing of a damaged individual vent line or
suspension line will only be performed if enough
b. Splicing a Coreless Fibrous Cord Line. A vent
undamaged original line material is available to permit
line or suspension line made from fibrous cord which is
splicing. The technique used to splice a vent line or
coreless will be spliced as follows:
suspension line will vary according to the type of cord
(1) If required, remove the skirt hesitator tab
material from which the original line was constructed.
by cutting the stitching securing the tab on the
Splice a damaged vent line or suspension line using the
suspension line.
procedures a or b below, as applicable.
(2) Cut and remove the damaged portion of
the line.
A cargo parachute canopy vent line
(3) Cut a length of coreless fibrous cord 24
or suspension line will be spliced
inches longer than the damaged portion removed in (2)
one time only.
above for use as splice material. Use only the same
a. Splicing a Fibrous Cord Line with Core Threads.
type cord or equivalent as that used in original line
A vent line or suspension line constructed from fibrous
cord containing core threads may be spliced as follows
(4) Taper-cut each end of the cord length and
provided only one side of the cord casing is damaged
the ends of the original line from which the damaged
and none of the core threads are severed.
portion was removed.
(1) If required, remove the skirt hesitator tab
(5) Using an authorized marking aid of
by cutting the stitching securing the tab to the
contrasting color, mark the splice material at points 6
suspension line.
and 12 inches from each end. Also mark the original
(2) Cut a length of fibrous cord with core
line length at points 6 and 12 inches from each cut end.
threads 7 inches longer than the damaged area. Use
only the same type cord or equivalent as that used in
original construction.
Change 6 3-25