TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
table with the damaged side of the upper lateral band
area and wax the ends. The type of webbing material to
facing up and smooth out the canopy material in the
be used will be as prescribed in the applicable item
affected area.
equipment publication.
(2) If the damage is located between radial
(4) Center the webbing length over the
seams (A, fig. 3-12), cut the stitching securing the two
damaged area and secure the splice material by making
vent lines on each side of the damaged area and lay the
four rows of continuous stitching along the full length of
four vent line ends aside. Should the damage extend
the splice. Overstitch each webbing end by 1/2 inch.
into a radial seam (B), cut the stitching of the vent line
Stitching will he made using the stitching specifics in the
attached at the affected radial seam and also cut the
applicable item equipment publication and the
stitching of the two vent lines located beyond each side
of the damaged area. Lay the five vent line ends aside.
(5) Reattach the vent line ends removed in
(2) above by restitching according to original
construction details, using the stitching specifies in the
applicable item equipment publication and the
b. Lower Lateral Band. The lower lateral band of
troop-type and emergency-type personnel parachute
canopies may be spliced three times. The lower lateral
band of cargo parachute canopies may have one splice
applied between any two suspension lines. Lower
lateral band splicing will be performed as follows:
(1) Place the applicable canopy on a repair
table with the damaged side of the lower lateral band
facing up and smooth out the canopy material in the
affected area.
If the damage is located in a
previously spliced area between two
suspension lines, the earlier made
splice material will be removed
before attempting a second splice
(2) As required, cut the applicable stitching to
remove or lay aside items which may interfere with the
splicing process.
(3) Cut a length of webbing long enough to
extend 6 inches beyond each side of the damaged area
and wax the ends. The type of webbing to be used will
be in accordance with the requirements cited in the
applicable item equipment publication.
(4) Maintaining original dimensions, center
the webbing length over the damaged and/or severed
area and secure the splice by making four rows of
continuous stitching along the full length of the splice
Figure 3-12. Upper lateral band splicing details,
Stitching will be made using the stitching specifics in the
(3) Cut a length of webbing long
applicable item equipment publication and the
enough to extend 1 inch beyond the outside edge of the
second radial seam located on each side of the
Change 3 3-27