TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
3-21. Replacing Canopy Lines.
(4) Cut the affected line length at a point 24
A canopy line is defined as a line which extends
inches below the skirt on each side of the canopy.
from a parachute connector link on one side of a
(5) Using a spool of material which is the
continuous-line parachute canopy, up through a radial
same as that used in original canopy line construction,
seam channel on one side of the applicable canopy,
wax the exposed replacement line material end.
across the vent at the canopy top, and down through a
(6) Insert the replacement material waxed
radial seam channel to a parachute connector link on
end into the sheath of one original canopy line end
the opposite side of the canopy. Due to the routing, a
which is extending 24 inches below the canopy skirt.
canopy line thus forms two suspension lines, two radial
The waxed end will be inserted into the sheath by at
lines, and a vent line. However, a canopy line must not
least 1 inch and secure the two ends together
be confused with independent suspension lines, radial
temporarily by either whipstitching or effecting a similar
lines, radial tapes, or vent lines. If a canopy line on a
suitable means of securance. As an optional method,
personnel parachute sustains any damage at all, the
instead of waxing end of cord, the replacement
entire line will be replaced. Should a canopy line on a
materials may be attached to the damaged line as
cargo parachute incur damage, the line may be repaired
or replaced, depending upon the extent and location of
(a) Using a needle and basting thread,
the damage, and according to the criteria specified
lay end of thread on replacement line and starting at end
within the applicable item equipment publication. A
of line, wrap thread back around line for approximately
parachute canopy line will be replaced using a two-man
1/2 inch with about 8 to 10 turns according to figure 3-
team and the following procedures.
(b) Push needle under thread turns so
The term "line" is intended to include
that point of needle comes out center of cord end (fig.
those lengths of material from which
a canopy line may be constructed
(c) Pull inner core cords out of
such as cord, tape, or webbing. In
damaged line about one inch. Cut off these core cords
addition, the use of the term
next to cord sleeve. Pull sleeve down over core cords
"connector link assembly" will also
so they are up inside sleeve one inch. Turn needle
apply equally to a connector snap or
backwards and push up through sleeve of damaged line
dee-ring, as applicable, throughout
and out through sleeve about one inch from the end (fig.
(d) Pull end of new line up into sleeve
a. Installing a Replacement Canopy Line.
of damaged line. Using needle, make several stitches
(1) Place the applicable canopy assembly in
thru sleeve and-end of new line (fig. 3-18.1(D)). Cut off
proper layout on a repair table or other suitable repair
thread about 1/4 inch from sleeve. Knots are not
surface and apply partial tension to the assembly.
(2) Trace the damaged canopy line from the
(7) At a point within 24 inches of the skirt on
point of attachment on one connector link assembly to
the opposite side of the canopy, grasp and pull the
the opposite connector link assembly.
extending end of the original canopy line. Work the line
(3) Cut and remove all stitching securing the
through the applicable V-tabs, radial seam channels,
canopy line to the parachute canopy. Also cut and
and across the canopy vent until the point at which the
remove the stitching securing other components that
original and the replacement line ends are joined is
would prohibit the canopy line length from moving freely
located a minimum of 10 inches beyond the original
across the lateral bands, through the V-tabs, and within
attaching connector link assembly.
the radial seam channels. As applicable, lay the
(8) Disconnect the original and replacement
removed components aside temporarily.
line ends by cutting the original line at the point where
the two line ends were joined. Insure that 10 inches of
Do not remove a V-tab which
replacement line material still extends past the original
contains a damaged canopy line
attaching connector link assembly.
unless the V-tab is also damaged.
Change 3 3-35