TM 10-1670-265-12&P
T.O. 13C7-1-21
4-13. Center line - Service (Cont)
1. General. Cleaning should be held to a minimum and performed only when it is necessary to eliminate a possible
2. Cleaning. The cleaning procedures are as follows:
a. Brushing. Gently brush with a soft-bristle brush.
b. Spot-cleaning.
Due to flammable properties and nylon-damaging substances, cleaning solvents other than
tetrachloroethylene will not be used in the spot-cleaning of airdrop equipment.
Tetrachloroethylene will only be used in areas where substantial ventilation is available.
Repeated or prolonged inhalation of the solvent vapors can be detrimental to human health. In
addition, avoid prolonged or repeated contact of the solvent fluid with areas of the skin.
Tetrachloroethylene must not be taken internally.
If, during the cleaning there exists a possibility that the substance to be removed contains acid
or some other equally destructive ingredient, the item will be evacuated to a direct support
maintenance activity for determination as to the nature of the substance and item disposition. If
the substance cannot be identified or if normal repair procedures will not eliminate all traces of
chemical or acid damage, the applicable item will be condemned.
(1) Spot - clean by rubbing the soiled area with a clean cloth dampened with tetrachloroethylene (Item 1,
(2) Rinse the cleaned area by repeating the rubbing process with the clean portion of the cloth dampened with
the cleaning solvent.
(3) Do not wring out the rinsed area if an excess amount of cleaning solvent is applied. Allow the item to dry
Dishwashing detergent:
(1) Tetrachoroethylene may be substituted by a solution composed of one-half cup of hand dishwashing
detergent (Item 2, Appendix D) dissolved in one gallon of warm water.
(2) Rinse the cleaned area with fresh, clean water and allow to dry thoroughly.
(3) Do not wring out the material which has been cleaned and rinsed.