TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
(4) Secure the splice by stitching a box-stitch
formation, 1/16 inch in from each edge, along the full
length of the splice material. Stitching will be made
stitching specifics in the applicable item equipment
Figure 3-15. Cloth edge binding spicing details,
damaged beyond repair may be replaced individually by
3-19. General.
normal procedure, by modified method, or in multiples.
Fabrication is a means of replacing an airdrop item
A replacement gore section will be fabricated using one
component which is damaged beyond repair and which
of the following procedures, as applicable:
is not an issue item. Though the act of fabricating an
item is a replacement-type action, the function is
a. Normal Gore Section Replacement.
actually a method of repairing an end item. Since most
(1) Invert the canopy on a repair table and
fabrication pertains to components which are peculiar to
locate the damaged section.
parachutes, the fabrication of components which are
(2) As required, remove or lay aside items
most general in nature will be detailed in the following
which may interfere with the section replacement
paragraphs. Fabrication instructions for components
process by cutting the stitching securing the items to the
that are unique or which only apply to one or a very few
airdrop end items will be contained within the
(3) Smooth out the damaged gore section
maintenance publication revalent to the end item(s).
and secure the surrounding canopy material to the
3-20. Replacing Canopy Gore Sections.
repair table by placing push-pins through seams, lateral
Parachute canopy gore sections which are
bands, or edge reinforcements as far above and below
the damaged section as necessary. Insure