TM 10-1670-268-20&P 0006 00
0006 00-1
The following describe PMCS procedures on the unit support levels. The PMCS table has been provided
to ensure both the type V and dual row platforms are in proper operating condition, and ready for its
primary mission.
Frequency of Performing PMCS. PMCS will be performed before equipment is rigged for use, during
modification and repair, after use, or at any time deemed necessary by the air delivery equipment
maintenance officer.
PMCS Columnar Entries Table 1. Enter data in columns as follows:
Item Number. The item number column shall be used as a source of the item number required for
the TM Number column on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet),
when recording the results of the PMCS.
Interval. This column identifies the required PMCS interval.
Item to be Inspected. Contains the common name of the item to be inspected.
Procedures. Provides a brief description of the procedures by which the checks are to be performed.
The items are listed consecutively and the numbers indicate the sequence of minimum inspection
requirements. The types and intervals of inspection required for the platform are as follows:
Routine inspection: Before and after operation.
Technical/Rigger-type Inspection: Before rigging, and before and after maintenance.
Item Number. Item numbers (ITEM No.) shall be assigned to the PMCS procedures. The PMCS
procedures shall be arranged in a logical sequence requiring minimum time and motion on the part of the
person(s) performing them and shall be so arranged that there will be minimum interference between
persons performing the checks simultaneously on the same end item.
Intervals. The designated interval (INTERVAL) (i.e., before, during, after, weekly, etc.) when each check
is to be performed shall be included. Procedures done first or most frequently (i.e., before checks and
services) shall appear prior to during and after checks and services. When more advantageous to the
user intervals shall be sub-grouped by crewmembers(s).
Item to be Checked or Serviced. The items listed (ITEM TO BE CHECKED OR SERVICED) shall be
identified in as few words as possible to clearly identify the item. Usually the common name (e.g.
platform, tandem link, clevis, etc.) will be enough.
Procedures. The procedure (PROCEDURE) by which each check is to be performed, as well as any
information required to accomplish each check or service, including lubrication, appropriate tolerances,
adjustment limits, and instrument gage readings shall be provided. Whenever replacement or repair is
recommended, the maintenance task shall be included or the applicable maintenance instruction work
package may be referenced.